Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Scent of a Scholar

From the hotel website:

This exquisite hotel filled with strong scholarly aroma is an ideal site for you to either read books or sit idly.

Strong scholarly aroma? I admit to thinking the smell of books and leather is hot, but just how strong are we talking? Will there be doddering men in black capes muttering over ancient tomes? That could get pretty aromatic. And is my romance writing scholarly enough? Do I smell strong enough? I'll let you know...


  1. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Tee hee. Is that, perchance, Shu Xiang? I use that as a pseudonym sometimes.

  2. Anonymous10:18 PM

    That's hilarious - scholarly aroma. I am tagging you - see my blog.

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Scholarly aroma. . . !

    Looks like a very romantic place to write. . . so, that should do you VERY well!

  4. Hi Huar! Shu xiang makes sense--that must be what they were translating. Of course you would use that as your pseudonym you bookie, you.

  5. Tessa--I have no idea what tagging means (I'm pretty blog-illiterate still). But I guess I'll find out...
